Like a house, poker requires a foundation. Only when that foundation is solidly in place can you proceed to build on it. When all the structural elements are in place, you can then add flourishes and decorative touches. But you can't begin embellishing it until the foundation has been poured, the building framed, and all the other elements that come before it are in place. thats our purpose here; to put things first - to give you a basic understanding of what you need before you begin to play.
If you aspire to play winning poker you need a plan to learn the game. While the school of hard knocks might have sufficed as he educational institution of choice 20 or 30 years ago, most of today's better poker players have added a solid grounding in poker theory to their over-the-table experiences. You will be able to find all the information you need at EDGE Poker Academy to improve your strategy.
Some poker players, and its no more than a handful, really do have a genius for the game - an inexplicable, Picasso-like talent that isn't easily defined and usually has to be seen to be believed. But even in the absence of genius - and most winning players certainly are not poker savants - poker is an eminently learnable skill. Inherent ability helps, and while you need some talent, you really don't need all that much. After all, you don't have to be Van Cliburn to play the piano, Picasso to paint, or Michael Jordan to play basketball. What you do need to become a winning player are a solid plan to learn the game and discipline.